Paper: THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH Location: Macon,Georgia Date: Monday,January 11,1909 Page: ? THE METEOR NOT FOUND; TURKEY DINNER PREVENTED Mr. Turner Says His Friends Need Not Worry, as He Will Find It Yet. Owing to the fact that Mr. J. B. Turner was invited out to a turkey dinner yesterday, and accepted the invvitiation, he was unable to devote as much time to finding of the meteor in the Corbin field last Wednesday afternoon as he wished. Besides, the weeds are high in the field which renders finding a falling star quite a difficult matter. Mr. Turner says, however, that it is there and he will find it. There is no man in Macon who has more friends than Mr. Turner, and there is not one who does not hope that he will find that meteor, and that it wil contain a diamond of tremendous size. Such things have occurred, the presence of a diamond in a meteor, and there is no telling what the one that fell in Corbin's field contains.