[meteorite-list] Meteor-WRONG featured on Local PA News Show

E.L. Jones jonee at epix.net
Thu Aug 2 00:36:44 EDT 2001

Hello Listees,

Just a heads up for rumor control.  Tonight's broadcast of WBRE in
Wilkes-Barre interviewed a Williamsport Pennsylvania area resident who
found a strange rock  "suspected" to be from the Monday 23rd Bolide. 
Her find was endorsed by some local science teacher(sic)- type  who was
too embarrassed to say what it actually was on TV-- or so I hope was the
case. In his defense I didn't catch the whole feature.

The rock was clearly coal furnace slag--something any self-respecting
Pennsylvania Coal Belt resident should know on sight.  Coal maintains
it's sedimentary structure even after being burned and melts together in
chunky masses.   So for now the  mystery remains.

The report was made with good intentions but for the life of me-- I
don't understand the local media's insistence on running in the dark
with this story.  Several TV Stations and newspapers in the area were
contacted bu calls were not returned.  For future reference, I suggest a
news release be prepared and distributed  both to stir public interest
and to head off the false report, myths and of course meteor wrongs!


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