[meteorite-list] NP Article, 12-1892 Part of a Comet?

MARK BOSTICK thebigcollector at msn.com
Fri Feb 14 11:49:21 EST 2003

Paper: The Daily Northwestern
City: Oshkosh, Wi
Date: Saturday, December 03, 1892

Is It Part of the Comet?

     Newcastle, Col., Dec. 2 - About a mile northeast of this town a stone
weighing ten tons fell from the sky Tuesday.  There were no witnesses, as far
as is known, to the meteor's fall, but the fact that it sunk deep into the
earth and was in a heated condition when discovered leaves no doubt in the
minds of the inhabitants as to where it came from, and great excitement
exists.  The stone is of a color entirely foreign to the locality, being
slate colored, and the people are convinced that it dropped from the comet.

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