Paper: The Evansville Daily Carrier City: Evansville, Indiana, Date: Monday Morning, June 13, 1887 Page: 4 AN IMMENSE METEOR. It Strikes the Earth in German Township. Causing Consternation. Among the People and Creating a Panic Among Animals and Fowls Considerable excitement was created among the people in German township Saturday night by an immense meteor striking the Earth with great force. The heavens were lighted brilliantly as the immense body approached the ground and the sound is said to have resembled the noise caused by a train of cars in full motion. As it passed through the air it left a trail of fire, which seemed to be formed of small particles of star shaped matter, which were emitted from the large body, and as these busted a smell of sulpher was plainly distinguishable. When the mass struck the earth it cause it to tremble so violently that many thought a volcano had burst forth from the small bill on which the meteor struck. Some idea of the effect of this wonderful meteoric display can be had, as the people were struck with terror, and this must have been the case for the cattle and swine, as they set up the most unnatural bellowing and squealing, running pell mell through and over the fences of the enclosures where they were kept and scattered over the surrounding farms. In two or three places near the scene of the disturbance, large numbers of chickens were struck with roosting in trees surrounding the farm houses, and these set up a cackling , which lasted for a moment, when one by one they took wings and flew to the woods, their alarm being so great that few of them could be captured yesterday, and most of them, it is thought, will have to be hunted with dog and gun. Many of the people felt the peculiar sensations experienced by taking hold of an electric battery and those nearest to the place where it struck were unable to stand, but the disturbance was only a short duration and no bad result was occasioned. From a gentleman who visited the locality it is learned that the mass imbedded itself deeply in the earth, and from the size of the surface exposed, which is oval shaped, he think it would weigh at least four thousand pounds, and looks to be a solid piece of flint, which upon trial, resisted that action of a stone-cutter's chisel. (Mark note: A search in Meteorites A to Z does not show any meteorite falling at this time.)