[meteorite-list] NP Article, 09-1904 Bolide Over Wisconsin

MARK BOSTICK thebigcollector at msn.com
Thu Jul 17 13:55:47 EDT 2003

Paper: Stevens Point Journal  
City: Stevens Point, Wisconsin 
Date: Saturday, September 10, 1904

Meteor Explodes on Farm
During a heavy rain at night recently, a large meteor fell on the land of 
Gottlieb Zalger near Hokab and set fire to a haystack. Mr. Zalger was 
looking out of the window when he saw the meteor fall near the stack. It 
exploded, breaking into small fragments, each a molten piece of metallic
substance at white heat. the windmill stack and an oak tree were scorched
by flying bits of the meteor which were afterward picked up by the farmer.


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