Dave Freeman directly implied: > I think my 1/2 pound Nantan shale-bark yellowbrown flaky ruster is my > most favorite ugly meteorite representation that I posess...'course, I > don't have any Holbrook antelope pellets yet... like some do... How do > they rate on the beauty list? > Dearest Dave, I can't believe you used the words: Nantan, ugly meteorites, Holbrook, and antelope pellets all in the same sentence. Holbrook ugly??? Desert-goat droppings??? I've prepared a special webpage just for you. http://strewnfield.tripod.com/freeman.html Cheers, The Udder Dave
Dearest Udder Dave and List; O-o-o-o-h-h-h-h, H-o-l-b-r-o-o-k! D-o-h-n-u-t! H-o-l-b-r-o-o-k! Well, the picture of the pile of "Ultra weathered ones that have real crust" still reminds me of non magnetic items deposited by ruminid mammals, lest you have trained sheepses to eat iron filings...nice crust...err... surface desiccation. Anyone who hasn't looked over the pictures yet, should. They are very nicely done. http://strewnfield.tripod.com/freeman.html Presented by Dave Andrews in a very convincing manner. Thank's to the BIG Udder, Da' udder udder Dave (F.)
Dave and List, The finds at Holbrook are not antelope pellets. They are bunny "pellets" which, according to John Blennert, are not rated by their looks, but at classified according to taste. Evidently, this was a technique perfected by some of the meteorite hunters from Tucson when they had trouble telling the difference between actual meteorites and the bunny droppings. JB calls simply refers to it as his "taste test" and I've heard it is very accurate. Regards, John Gwilliam
Hi John Q , Dave F ,the Udder Dave and All I,ve heard my name mentioned (my ears as well are getting long and fuzzy , and work real good these days) !!!! :o) I guess I should take offense at my taste testing technique (with a ... grin)??? But it's OK after awhile they start tooo taste pretty good !!!! :o) You guys shouldn't knock it till you try it !!!! Now if I could only keep my nose from twiching long enough to hop on outa hear !!! Happy Huntin John B.
Hi List! A few years ago my daughters were hunting with Jim, Alan Gayda and myself. After a couple of hours we went back to camp. My youngest daughter and I were sitting in my van and she wanted to show me all her neat finds. As she started to unload her bulging pockets she said. "Daddy, look at all the neat little round rocks I found!" I said "Lauren... those are rocks... that's rabbit poop!" I next heard a horrible "YEWWWWW!" and you never saw a little lady empty her pockets so fast in all your life... (One of Dad's treasured moments!) Jim, Alan and I cracked up for quite a while. She must have cleaned up 2 square miles of desert that day! Still brings an ear to ear grin to my face. Paul