Have you ever seen a Wingstar? One of the most comprehensive collections of Meteor-wrongs ever published was The Discovery of the Wingstars, Volume I and II. No kidding this guy takes the cake. His name is Russell T. Wing. They are full of plate after plate of quartz, petrified wood and limestone meteor-wrong. He published these full color books in the 60's and 70's. In the front cover he writes NEW ADVANCES IN METEORITICS, He sent them to prominent meteoritist of the time, "from the Wingstar Research Society founded on evidence and dedicated to research terrestrial-type meteorites." His own dedication says "The world often ridicules and gags before it can swallow and digest a revolutionary innovation or discovery". H.H.Nininger was quote in the book as saying, "This the most beautiful meteorite I have ever seen- if it is one... No one knows what a quartz meteorite looks like." A meteor-wrong classic! But that's not all he also has a fascinating theory on tektites... He he he kit Marvin and Kitty Killgore Southwest Meteorite Laboratory PO Box 95 Payson, AZ 85547 520.474.9515 520.474.2474 FAX mailto:swmtlab at goodnet.com <mailto:swmtlab at goodnet.com> http://www.meteorite-lab.com/ <http://www.meteorite-lab.com/>